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The following is a list of condominium related web sites found surfing the Internet. Should you discover an interesting site or wish your site to be posted here, please email the Golden Horseshoe Chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute. The C.C.I. does not endorse or recommend in any way the products or services that are found at these web sites. We are not responsible for the content on these web sites. No advertising revenue is obtained from the posting of links. This web page is to provide information for persons searching for condominium related information. Please note: If you access links to external web sites, you will leave the CCI GHC website. CCI GHC does not control those sites nor their privacy practices. We do not endorse or make any representations about third-party web sites. The personal data you choose to give to unrelated third parties is not covered by the CCI GHC Privacy Statement. We encourage you to review the privacy policy of any company before submitting your personal information. Some third-party companies may choose to share their personal data with CCI GHC; that sharing is governed by that third-party company's privacy policy.
The New Condominium Act 1998 can be downloaded for free from this site or visit Ontario Publications web site (link found from at the e-Laws site) to purchase a hard copy.
Links to Other Sites
For local chapters in your area please reference the CCI Map of Canada.
The Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario was formed in 1977 to represent the collective aims of all condominium managers. ACMO's Mission is to advance the quality performance of condominium managers in Ontario. They publish the Condominium Magazine.
Whether you're a first-time buyer or have lived in your condo for years, Ontario's new Condominium Act has been designed to better protect your investment, and to improve the day-to-day operation of your condominium and to allow for new kinds of condominium developments.
Client Guides are issued to assist clients of the Land Registration System.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario is the governing body of Ontario's over 31,000 Chartered Accountants and 3,500 CA students. As a self-regulatory body, the Institute protects the public interest through the CA profession's high standards of qualification and its enforcement of the profession's rules of professional conduct. The Institute works in partnership with the other provincial institutes of Chartered Accountants and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants to provide national standards and programs that are used as examples around the world.
The American equivalent of the Canadian Condominium Institute that is national in scope. Although this is US oriented, the problems faced by American condominiums and the laws governing their 'associations' (like our ccorporations) are similar. If you are considering purchasing a condominium in the US it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with American condominium web sites.
Another American equivalent of the Canadian Condominium Institute based in California.
Chesapeake Home Owners Association in Cary North Carolina
The world's largest resource for condominiums, planned communities, homeowner associations, common interest developments, co-ops, co-housing, marinas, strata and other community associations. Share the Good News. This is primarily a US organization but contains many Canadian links and good overall content.
An organization helping condominium owners and new purchasers based in Calgary.
This web site provides the reader a great deal of information and a number of good research tools, to find out about events and activities in the Halton Region. It also provides links to many government web sites.
This web site will assist individuals in Quebec. The association publishes a newsletter and may be reached via email at ascq@qc.aira.com
SAWDAC administers National Programs covering all aspects of Home Renovations.
SAWDAC represents hundreds of professional contractors across Canada.
STRICT membership criteria and code of ethics has earned us a strong reputation with consumers. OUR reputation with renovators is equally strong because of the many programs we offer.
RISKMail is an online forum for people with significant professional and/or research interests in the field of Risk Management and Insurance (RMI).
Tarion Warranty Corporation is a private corporation that was established in 1976 to protect the rights of new home buyers and regulate new home builders. Over the last 30 years, we have become one of the most comprehensive new home warranty programs in North America. * (former ONHWP)
WPCN™ is a global condominium, strata and unit title resource and news centre created for the benefit of home owners and their associations, managers, politicians, regulatory agencies, government departments, developers, real estate agents, researchers and the general public. Landscaping
Check out the tips and tricks.Legal
Welcome to the e-Laws web site, access to the consolidated laws of Ontario.
Source of legal references available for purchase - including the new Act.
The Ontario Bar Association is a branch of the Canadian Bar Association, an organization of lawyers formed to provide support by the profession to the profession to better service its members and the public. This is accomplished by both education and representation to government on topics of current concern
The Law Society of Upper Canada is the self-governing body for lawyers in Ontario. The primary responsibility or mandate of the Law Society is to regulate the legal profession in the public interest according to Ontario law and the Law Society's rules, regulations and guidelines. The Society has an excellent referral service that is available online at a minimal charge to the public
This guide has been prepared by the Bora Laskin Law Library to help people find a lawyer or other legal support to help resolve legal problems. Media Bits
This article appeared in the Globe and Mail on August 22, 2003.
"Up to 40 per cent of all Greater Toronto Area condominium corporations do not have enough cash in their reserve funds to pay future major repair costs, raising the spectre that some owners could face dramatically higher monthly fees that require them to remortgage or even sell their properties..." (click the link for the full story)
An online source of information for prospective purchasers of real estate, including condominiums. Has excellent links to other sources of information and related articles on condominiums.
Written in conjunction with the CCI, this booklet details everything you need to know about buying a condominium. It is also a good site to reference for anything pertaining to buying, renting or maintaining your home.
An American magazine based in Florida. The goal of this publication is to teach community association board members and new property managers the basic concepts of property management from a professional manager's point of view. A good source of information if you own a condominium in the US.
The ONLY FREE New Home & Condominium Magazine distributed in all Subway, Gateway Newstand locations.
This is the online Ontario government book store.
You can purchase the Condominium Act here.
A new online version of a popular Toronto based publication dedicated to'hi-rise' living. Includes excellent condominium information and good links.
The Toronto Star has an excellent section every Saturday on condominium living.
The noted condominium lawyer Gerry Hyman offers his opinion on condominium legal issues.Real Estate
...It's often said that buying a condominium is buying a lifestyle. What does that mean?
Last Updated by Steve Warner on Sept 13, 2009