Policy 2006.01.03 - 003 
Condo News Advertising Policy

Canadian Condominium Institute

Institut canadien des condominiums

Golden Horseshoe Chapter


Date:            January 3, 2006

From:           Board of Directors

RE:                Condo News Advertising Policy

1)       Effective July 1st 2006 advertisers must be members of the CCI.  This is consistent with other CCI Chapters. 

2)       Advertising content and quality must be approved by the Condo News editor, or designate prior to distribution.

3)       Advertising rates and discounts will be approved by the board from time to time as required.

4)       GHC event sponsors will be entitled to receive discounted advertising rates, when determined by the board.

5)       Advertising rates will published in the Condo News with each issue.

6)       Advertisement inserts will be limited to 2 (two) inserts per GHC member only, per membership year.

7)       The cost of an insert will be a minimum of $500 per insert per issue.

8)       Advertisers will be required to submit their advert accompanying a contract approving distribution. 

9)       Advertisers will be invoiced for each issue following it’s distribution, unless paid in advance.

10)   All adverts are considered to run indefinitely unless explicitly canceled by the advertiser, or for non payment of advertising invoices, as determined by Condo News editor or GHC administrator.